UBUNTU means: "I am because you are. I am because we are."

This is the basic principle of social life in many African cultures. A basic attitude based above all on mutual respect and recognition, respect for human dignity and the desire for a harmonious and peaceful society.

The City of Ubuntu in Cameroon is an expression of this principle.  

City of Ubuntu is a pilot project that was launched in the city of Sanki, 150 km from Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon.

A place of encounter is to be created that will help build bridges between nature, people and cultures.  

Download our information brochure!

Want to find out more about City of Ubuntu? You can download our latest brochure here.


You can make a difference with your donation! Whether it's a small or large amount, your donation will help to build the City of UBUNTU bit by bit and make a contribution to peaceful coexistence.

Our bank details: 

City of Ubuntu Austria – Verein zur Förderung der interkulturellen Verständigung, Zusammenarbeit und Solidarität

IBAN: AT 32 2011 1849 3862 1500


Intended use: "Donation City of Ubuntu"

Donation Deductibility: Through collaboration with Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna, donations are tax deductible when deposited through theCaritas account of the Archdiocese of Vienna: IBAN: AT47 2011 1890 8900 0000

Intended Use: Donation KV 830106 Cameroon-Ubuntu Land Acquisition OR Donation KV 830107 Cameroon-Ubuntu Community Center

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Weekly update #25

…während wir in Wien noch an unserem Reisebericht feilen, ist in City of Ubuntu schon wieder alles anders als bei unserem Besuch vor 2 Wochen!

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