Weekly update #11

Greetings again this week from the City of Ubuntu! As always, I'll give you an update on the events of the past week. One thing in advance: there is a new generation with us!


The corn and soybean project

A number of things have been done this week as part of the corn and soybean project. First, it is gratifying that the last corn and soybean that was planted has already germinated. On Monday, we completed the application of fertilizer to the missing areas. In general, the project is going well. The first picture shows the condition of the last corn that was planted and the other two pictures show the application of the fer

In this connection, fertilizer was also applied to the places where the corn was first planted. This was done on Monday and Tuesday.

This week also provided an opportunity to continue the weeding of the yard that began last week.

On the farm that used to be mine but now belongs to the City of Ubuntu, we had to do some light work this week because there was too much grass growing and the corn was infested with insects and maggots. So we had to go in to clean it up and spray it with an insecticide.


This week the last cassava we harvested last week was transported to Tonga. The total amount is 4 bags of 100 kg each. What to do with the cassava plant is up to Father Eric. I have written a short report on this cassava variety that I will send to Father Eric for confirmation. However, it is in French.

The garden

We have also done some gardening. So we have made some beds and we are ready to plant some seeds. Apart from the seeds that Father Jean brought, we planted some carrots and created a small seedling nursery.

We also brought some tomato plants that we have already planted. We have about 50 tomatoes. I also got some bell pepper plants that have already been planted, 25 in total.

We also planted more sweet potatoes and coconut palms and put up some sticks to support the sweet potatoes as they can climb up them.

The goats

Last but not least to the offspring! As for the sheep goats, one of our female sheep gave birth 2 nights ago. This time it is a male sheep. 

So far from our side! I'll tell you how it goes on in the City of Ubuntu!


See you!

Yours, Basile